Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Stay On Target... Stay On Target

F3 Visual Effects at FSU - Week 8

So here I am... eight weeks in, three days left... and I sit here at 11pm in the lab with my two remaining classmates, discussing the qualities of various kinds of pasta.  I've clearly switched off my targeting computer.

There are only three days left for us to complete visual effects on our third student films, woohoo!  It's a really exciting feeling and I can't wait to see how all of the films turn out.  Overall, this entire process has been an amazingly remunerative experience.  That said, I also am super ready to move on to the sound and color editing of my F3 so I can see it all come together and beyond stoked to move into thesis development this summer.  I love building Legos.  Love it.  But I'm at a point now where I'm just gluing the pieces together on this lego set and I'm ready to start a new one from scratch.

The F3 visual effects cycle, though filled to the top with fun and value, has began to feel like a road with no end.  But now I can see the light at the end of the tunnel - I just need to stay on target and be more focused than ever these next three days to get all of my work done quickly and to an exceptional level so that Christian's movie can be the best it can be.

Next week, I plan on posting a final review blog post where I will deep end on everything I went through and took out of this process.  Until then, I've got to go - Vader's come from behind, Han is nowhere in sight, and I've switched off my targeting computer.  Now, I just have to trust in the Force.

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